I know you guys are so stoked. Two posts in as many days. It's like magic. Or I finally have some free time on my hands (and nothing left to watch on Netflix).
Edit: about last night's post, I had a serious discussion with my dad (who is all-knowing) about the Green Lantern. I gotta say, I was wrong in my appraisal of Mr. Lantern. Dan says he was a bit of an jerk. He was all moody about some tragic murder in his past and walked around all "Hey, I'm a jerk and I'm gonna kick your ass" (Dan's words, mom, not mine). So, perhaps I jumped the gun. Maybe Green Lantern could go toe to toe with the Batman. But I'm pretty sure Christian Bale could end Ryan Reynolds and beat him in a deep voice growl off.
I have two more cartoons.
The Batman and Robin dynamic has always seemed rather tense to me. Robin, the young orphan, looks to Bruce "The Batman" Wayne for advice, guidance and approval. And, of course, Batman is going to be a douche and never give Robin the encouragement he needs. Also, Robin is a bit of a sissy. Who chooses a small, cute bird as their superhero name/identity? I mean, robins belong on calendars and Christmas greeting cards not fighting crime on the mean, dark streets of Gotham. As a result, Robin will never have Batman's respect. And Batman is going to give the poor boy an eating disorder. Because that's what the Batman does. Like a boss.
I felt this was a timely pairing, given the holiday. Also, I saw the Captain America movie from the 80s(?). It was super lame and yes, his shield totally looked like a sled. The same kind Chevy Chase uses in Christmas Vacation. One can only hope that the Cap'n uses his to slide down snowy hills and through Walmart parking lots. Also, I figured that it's about time someone talk back to the Batman. And you and I both know that Captain America's rebuttal to any critique would be to attack someone's patriotism. Sadly, Batman doesn't really care. He's loyal to nothing, except justice (and other clichéd, abstract terms). Loyalty is for suckers. Right, Bruce?
i like that you call him, cap'n. like cap'n crunch...who is not a badass at all. but makes a sweet tasty delight of a cereal!