So, I've been working on a few things. One, which you will find posted directly below, is greeting cards for special occasions. These are occasions that Hallmark doesn't make cards for, like when one of your best friends gets ordained and moves away. You're happy and want to say congrats but you're also a little pissed and mope-y about it. I made a card to reflect that. I also made a card for someone who is incapable of sending birthday cards in a timely fashion, which, I'll have you know, is not me. I don't like tardiness so the card has some strong language. Here they are. (Oh, and if you have any ideas or requests, I'd be happy to make something special).
I think they're pretty funny. They're watercolor on parchment.
The second project, and my favorite by far, is a series of cartoons about Batman. I love superheroes and comic book movies. (I was never in to the actual comic books for some reason.) Let me just say, I friggin' love Batman. Always have. He was always my favorite superhero. Mostly because he's a bit of a dick. And those of you who know me well, know that I have a penchant for douchebags. What can I say, I have a type. What follows are a series of interactions between the Batman and other superheroes. But don't worry children, the Batman will soon find an equal and get his comeuppance. Without further ado. . .
Ok, so let me explain this first one. Batman is badass and Superman is a total wussy tool. Like really, kryptonite? Come on! Also, he's an alien with superpowers, of course he's going to use them. What is his motivation? Not the savage murder of his parents right before his young and innocent eyes. Batman has no superpowers, no spider bites or special rings. He just has a massive chip on his shoulder and a butt-load of cash. Can't fault a handsome man for that. So,Superman gets pwned by the Batman, as he should. And he cries about it. Like a chump.
I'm gonna be honest with you right now. I don't know anything about the Green Lantern. Except that he is being played on film by the buff-tastic Ryan Reynolds (who can't act his way out of a Sandra Bullock movie). I asked my dad what makes this dude so special. A ring? Seriously? I don't get it. This may be an unfair judgment but, like Batman, I don't give a crap. Also, I think if Batman ever tried to be funny, he would just sound really awkward. Can you imagine Christian Bale in his deep Batman rumbly voice tee-heeing over a lame pun? Terrible. It would be terrible. I mean, he's got threatening people and making growly sounds down to a T (or is it Tee? Whatevs). But the funny? Not so much. George Clooney. He was a funny Batman. You'd have to play it light with nipples on your suit. Man, that movie sucked. . .
More to come. Stay tuned.
One more thing. Dancing to Aerosmith's "Love in an Elevator" in your living room is one hell of a workout.
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